The 70th SMDG Meeting was hosted from 26-27-28 september 2017 in Sankt Peterburg/ Russia by SOLVO
Executive Summary
It has been an honour for SMDG to be invited to the wonderful city of St Petersburg.
We have known Solvo to be a well prepared contributor to SMDG meetings and we now know Solvo as a well organised and a hospitable host.
On behalf of all SMDG members and participants we would like to extend our gratitude to
Elena Grebenshchikova (CEO), Liubov Grebenshchikova (SMDG rep), Daniel Pershin (Head of marketing), Lev Aispur (Head of sales TOS), and Maria Skrivitskaya (Marketing)
We look forward to meeting again.
The Members, Secretary General and Chairman of SMDG
Venue was at:Courtyard St. Petersburg Vasilievsky
Tuesday 26 September 2017 Subgroup meeting
Wednesday 27 September 2017 Plenary session
Thursday 28 September 2017 Intercompany communications and and process review
Main Topics:
1/ Future of SMDG / Status and budget
2/ Advancement on EDI with VGM, and BAPLIE 3.1 norms
3/ TPFREP, IFTSAI, Container messages
3/ Web sevices and normalisation of intercompany communications: Best practices

Session | Description | Action Party/ Deadline | Download | |||
Presentation by the host SOLVO | SOLVO is the leading Russian provider of TOS and warehouse IT systems and other logistics related IT solutions | Daniel Pershin, Head of Marketing Department | SOLVO-IT-solution-presentation.pdf | |||
SMDG Legal Structure | Preferred formats are German "eingetragener Verein" (1st choice) or .French "1901 Association" (2nd choise) after this year study of all possible structures from a SA, to a Gmbh to an english law "community of Interest". SMDG Chairman and Secretary will lead the legal structure workgroup and will ask for draft status. Next Step: e-meeting mid January | Arthur Touzot, Secretary of SMDG, Atseaconsulting President | SMDG-New-status-genoa-st-petersburg-meeting-69-70-26-09-2017.pdf Community-of-interest.pdf |
TPFREP Terminal Performance Reporting | All remaining items from wishlist were discussed and agreed: whether or not shall be included in next version 4.1 Version 4.1 enhancements will be: New events in vessel timesheet, Reporting of Overtime, Lashing Equipment, Landside Power Supply, Type of moves for cabotage. Differentiated TPFREP Light from Full TPFREP Carriers, such as HLL, CMA CGM, ... as well as ZIM Line are very interested in TPFREP and aligning between carriers to push the terminals and IT provider to adhere the format and simplify the monitoring and executable process. Next step: Develop Edifact solutions, request at UN/CEFACT to be published in D.18A, develop new MIG, next subgroup meeting to be advised | Michael Schröder, chairman of the TPFREP subgroup, Project manager/ IT consulting Hapag LLoyd | TPFREP-SMDG-Meeting-St-Petersburg-2017-09-27.pdf | |||
Container Messages Coxxxx | - COPARN should have more than 9 DG items. - COPARN All Terminals (Eurogate, PSA, ECT..) encounter issues to recognize the container sequence within a booking RFF+SQ versus RFF+BN Unclear whether weight is per container or per booking - COPRAR Load for Empties - Container Sequence in COPRAR + COPARN should be RFF+SQ - T/S in COPRAR-Discharge required but would mean 2nd TDT segment => too complicated. - Vent Seal reporting from Depot to Carrier in CODECO (MSC requirement). - 2nd Full Release after customs inspections Next Step: All COxxxx (COPRAR, COPARN, CODECO...) messages follow a generic structure or should there be one "master message format" with all possible segments? This to simplify any future maintenance and make it easier for implementers. Container Message subgroup is asked to update the COHAOR manual on the SMDG website for the VGM weighting order Xml, Json: Should SMDG provide the COxxxx-message structure also as XML format?? The world seems to ask for XML and/ or JSON coming from IT integration schema: SOAP, REST... .see web service standardisation sub group Majority of members find XML better suitable for B2C than for B2B. IF an XML format is required then it has to be standardized. COPARN: Unclear whether weight is per container or per booking should be looked at during next meeting day 3 in Paris | Paul Wauters, Chairman of the container message subgroup, PSA Antwerp | SMDGContainerMessagesStPetersburg2017V5.pdf | |||
IFTSAI Vessel Schedule | Enhancements: Qualifier for cut-offs - already published in D.17A Cardinality increased to cover multiple connecting feeder voyages per port - will be published in D.17B Next step: To be discussed further in the IFTSAI work group Terminals are having issues with the schedule from carriers! Terminal needs to know: - Who is vessel operator? - Who are the Co-Loaders? - Voyage number from each Co-Loader. - Service code from each Line. - Unique call-ID to match messages from different Lines. Preferably from the Port Community Systems, e.g. the German Visit-ID. Currently terminals have high manual workload to consolidate the schedule information. | Michael Schröder, chairman of the IFTSAI subgroup, Project manager/ IT consulting Hapag LLoyd | IFTSAI-SMDG-Meeting-St-Petersburg-2017-09.pdf | |||
VERMAS / VGM reporting | VERMAS has become the world standard for VGM reporting in short time. New requests; - Item 1/ Italian Authorities: The serial number of the weighing equipment must be reported. - It means the VERMAS message structure has to be enhanced. - Also carrier internal systems might have to be enhanced - item 2/ Japan delegates: use the VERMAS also as weighing order to a terminal. Next steps: Item 1: be discussed further in the VERMAS work group Item 2: The VERMAS shall remain a small and simple message only for the purpose of VGM reporting. For transmission of a weighing order the COHAOR message should be used. Container Message subgroup is asked to update the COHAOR manual on the SMDG website. | Michael Schröder, Co- Chairman of the VERMAS subgroup, Project manager/ IT consulting Hapag LLoyd Yoshi Kito, Edi Expert, Consltant japan | VERMAS-SMDG-Meeting-St-Petersburg-2017-09-27.pdf Activities-related-to-the-SOLAS-VGM-in-Japan.pdf |
BAPLIE / MOVINS | implementation of BAPLIE 3 is starting at the provider side such as Navis, in the next releases, Baplie 3 will be implemented within NAVIS suits: N4, StowMan, MACS3, and Powerstow | Jost Müller and chairman of the subgroup excused for medical reason | ||||
Container message validation Portal in cooperation with GEFEG | SMDG intend to provide its memebers a EDI format validation portal starting by BAPLIES and Coprar. The objectives is to enable each and every members, a reference platform against whist EDI messages could be tested and corresponding error messages of non SMDG compliance could be displayed if needed. Providing such a reference tool would enable B2B agreement on format exchange while avoiding the management of specific interface due to different "standard" application interpretations. Next Step: SMDG members approved such initiative. The secretary general will liase with GEFEG and SMDG web site provider to have a technical proposal up for meeting #70 to enable the platform use under a member area. | |||||
EIPP SAB documents on SMDG website | The SMDG Plenary agreed to the Hapag-Lloyd proposal to host the documents that were previously published on These are Implementation Guides, Process Maps and Data Models. These docs will be put in a new menu item under the Cooperations page. Christian Henze will be shown as point of contact on the SMDG website. HL provided the documents and text for the website. Next Step: Should the SMDG also cover the IFTMBF and IFTMBC messages exchanged between a carrier and a shipper? There is no other responsible organization. INTTRA is not found appropriate. Discussion will be continued in next Meeting in PARIS | Michael Schröder, Co- Chairman of the VERMAS subgroup, Project manager/ IT consulting Hapag LLoyd | EIPPSAB-SMDG-Meeting-St-Petersburg-2017-09.pdf | |||
KL-Net (Korea) new messages proposal | VGM application in Korea and New messages proposal from KLnet a B2B and B2G It company 1st proposal: Ballast Water Management "BLWTRF" new message format. Process: Vessel ==> Carrier HQ ==> Authorities To transmit information about ballast water intake / outlet / treatment. 2nd proposal: Container Security Inspection Result new message format To transmit result of Port Security Inspection to Authorities. Scan for nuclear substance is mandatory in Japan and Korea following the Fukushima incident. Next step: 1st proposal: SMDG suggest that KL-Net develops detailed message proposal until next meeting. 2nd proposal: KL-Net should check whether existing messages IFTDGN or IFTSTA or CODECO are suitable | Taekmin Lee, Research Engineer, KLnet | SMDG70KL-Net-2017.pdf | |||
Webservice Standardization | Active discussion between members, the topic is found highly relevant. CMA will also participate. - Majority opinion is that REST/JSON is more commonly used and better accepted than SOAP. The SMDG pilot should be developed in REST. - Security management / access control is very important and must be covered even by the very first pilot. Example Track+Trace: who is authorized to see the container status? Ray: Common procedures already in place in other industries, He will report on this. Pilot WS candidate: - "get container master data" needed by a shipper and also by a terminal. - Container status from smart container to the carrier (proposal from CMA) Next step: Work group members to develop pilot WS | Michael Schröder, Co- Chairman of the webservice standardisation subgroup, Project manager/ IT consulting Hapag LLoyd Ray Schraff, Co- Chairman of the webservice standardisation subgroup, Industry Director, Hyland Software, LLC. | Webservice-SMDG-roadmap-St-Petersburg-2017-09.pdf | |||
Vessel Data Vessel Profile in JSON format | XVELA intends to develop a JSON format for transmission of vessel profiles. The vessel profile is used by stowage planning systems at the carrier as well as the terminal, and also for example by the XVELA collaboration platform. Next Step: Presentation of the detailed format at the next SMDG in Paris by XVELA | Arthur Touzot, Arthur Touzot, Secretary of SMDG, Atseaconsulting President, consultant for NAVIS CVS | SMDG-ship-files-JSON-v2.0.pdf |

CandidatesSpring 2018 meeting has been decided during the 70th SMDG Meeting.
Paris, France, BIC, (Burean Internaational des Containeur)
Jorn Heerulff