SMDG has active members, who participate in the meetings and who are actively involved in the development of the messages and the implementation guides (user manuals) and code lists.
Active members can influence the message structure and the use of the messages and can benefit of exchanging experiences during the meetings.
Membership of SMDG is open to all throughout the world
- Shipping Lines/Ocean Carriers,
- Container Terminals,
- Port Authorities
- IT Services providers
Furthermore all professional persons, companies and organisations can become a member.
Meetings are planned two times per year (March/April and September/October).
Plenary and Intercompany Communication and Process SMDG-meetings will be attended by between 30 to 45 people of different companies and organizations.
Topics discussed in the meetings are:
- Experiences with messages
- Network services and costs
- Interchange Agreements
- Development work on relevant messages in our line of business
- Efficient communication and application process
We invite all our EDI users from the community that are not yet represented to join our group.