New Version SMDG Liner Code List
A new version of the SMDG code list LINES has been published on 27. November 2024.
For its latest version and information about update-requests see here
A new version of the SMDG code list LINES has been published on 27. November 2024.
For its latest version and information about update-requests see here
The latest version of the TCL is available for download here.
It contains updates for Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Norway, Portugal, and Singapore.
An updated version of the document “Why changing to BAPLIE Version 3” has been published. (download)
on page Ship Planning.
SMDG e.V. as a standardization body for the maritime industry has established dual-leadership for its organization representing Shipping Lines and Terminals.
In the General Meeting on 20 April 2023, organization members elected a new board.:
Elected for the steering positions have been
and for the board at large
Robèrt Roestenburg
Michael Schröder
Dirk van de Velde
Julien Vangeon
Paul Wauters
A new Recommendation for best practice for EDI transmission of “empty tank containers with residues” has been published.